Trafficking Matters: A Douglass Fellowship Podcast
Trafficking Matters: A Douglass Fellowship Podcast
Trauma-Informed Care with Marie Martinez Isrealite
If you or someone you know is currently in danger of human trafficking, you can view the national human trafficking hotline website here. You can reach the hotline by calling 1-888-373-7888 or texting 233733.
Here, you can learn more about the Human Trafficking Institute, the Federal Human Trafficking Report, and the Douglass Fellowship.
You can find Marie’s full bio here.
You can read the Trafficking Victims Protection Act here.
To understand more about trauma and trauma centered care generally, go here.
To read more about the pedagogy of trauma-informed lawyering, go here.
To learn more about how sex trafficking survivors experience trauma, go here.
You can find a deeper explanation of “trauma-bonding” here.
You can find more information on The Body Keeps the Score here. You can find your local indie bookstore here.
Here is a handbook of resources on trauma centered care for trafficking survivors from the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime.
Music: Blurry Vision by Corbyn Kites